1.Adoption of a resolution for constitution of a subsidiary company Euroins Insurance Group LLC (EIG), with the main aim to consolidate the Eurohold Bulgaria’s insurance operations through contribution of the shares of the following companies into it: insurance company Euroins plc, health assurance company St.Nikolay Chudotvorez and insurance company Euroins Bulgaria.
2.Empowerment of the Eurohold Bulgaria management board to transfer to the subsidiary Euroins Insurance Group LLC the participation of Eurohold Bulgaria in insurance company Euroins plc, health assurance company St.Nikolay Chudotvorez and insurance company Euroins Romania.
3.An investment strategy for purchasing new insurance companies in the region through subsidiary company Euroins Insurance Group LLC was approved.
On November 23, 2007 Euroins Insurance Group LLC received permission from the Financial Supervision Commission to acquire 6 800 044 shares (68%), owned by Eurohold Bulgaria into insurance company Euroins. Euroins Insurance Group LLC is expected to have 190 million share capital, 90% of which to be formed through non-monetary contribution of shares of Eurohold Bulgaria.